
WordPress Support Service

Top WordPress Support Service Providers

Small business and non-profit leaders know a safe, quick, functioning website is essential. The unstated truth: You can perform all that tech maintenance and development yourself

wordpress website maintenance

WordPress Website Maintenance: A Complete Guide

WordPress is a popular software­ for website deve­lopment and management, commanding more­ than 43.1% of the market share. Its ve­rsatility provides a wide range of fe­atures

Hide Author Name In Blog Posts WordPress

Hide Author Name In Blog Posts WordPress

Yes! There’s a solution to your search: “hide author name in blog posts WordPress.” But What is it, and why? WordPress is a familiar tool for

Best WordPress Security Plugins

10 Best WordPress Security Plugins

While WordPress website security goes beyond plugins, these technologies are crucial to site protection. The multitude of WordPress security plugins can make choosing the best one

How to use WordPress get_option Function?

In WordPress, the get_option function is a powerful function that can help you fetch values from the options database table. This function is used to fetch

WordPress php get featured image url

Featured images, or post thumbnails, are essential for adding a visual element to your WordPress posts. It is vital in enhancing user engagement and increasing the

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Steps to fix hacked WordPress website

Is your WordPress site hacked? Don’t panic! I’ll guide you through the steps to fix a hacked WordPress website in this article. First, understand that WordPress